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Showing posts from August 24, 2004

more of that rb interview

Q : So what do you think is a killer app right now? A : Probably Picasa . It's the best photo viewer/organizer I've ever seen. More than that, the interface for it is as good as anything I've ever seen for the PC. As good as Mac. I hope this is the future of PC software. Q : You say you're voting for John Kerry. Doesn't that make you a liberal? You say you're a libertarian. Why aren't you voting for Michael Badnarik ? A : That's a good question. I'm not a liberal because I'm an economic conservative. I think markets, not governments, are the source of our prosperity and happiness, to a very large extent. They're also one of the keys to world peace. When nations trade with each other they fight less. Imagine for a moment - a truly global trading bloc, without tariffs or duties. No one wants to fight because everyone is interdependent. Would this not be as close to a utopia as we will ever come (short of the second coming)? World trade...