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About: Me

ABOUT: ME In the beginning, Blog created the heavens and the earth. Blog said, "Let there be text," and there was hypertext. In hypertext was life, and that life was the light of everyone. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. This is my first time blogging, so I'll include a biographical sketch, including schools, jobs, interests, beliefs, and politics. Birth: I was born in 1972. The longer I live, the more I think historical context is important. I grew up in Stillwater, Minnesota. I agree with Hugh Hewitt when he calls our state "Minne-so-cold." Schools: After high school, I went to the University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) and studied English Literature. In 1991, I traveled to Birmingham, England, for a year studying abroad. (It was fun to be in England - live Shakespeare done by pros! - but not Birmingham specifically. Birmingham is where the Industrial Revolution began, and it shows.) I graduated in 1995, and proceeded to a Master's Degree in Theology at Bethel Seminary (St. Paul, MN). My specialty was Church History. In 2000 I went to Brown College (Mendota heights, MN) and got a certificate in computer programming. OK, so you could say I've had trouble deciding what to be when I grow up. But I wouldn't give up the journey for anything. Jobs: Probably the most interesting job I've ever had (other than my current one) was teaching church history at a little seminary in the city of Kremenchug, Ukraine. I did this during the school year 1999-2000. Currently I am a QA Analyst at a small software company where I test and write documentation for the product. Interests: Reading (books and most recently I've become addicted to WIRED magazine), movies, music (don't at all claim to be current here, but I do have Winamp and like electronica, e.g., Moby). You know, all that cultural, political, stuff...kind of, thing. For heaven's sake, let's talk about ideas, not sports or the weather! Please. Currently on my bookshelf: the 9/11 report, The Scientists (John Gribbin), History of the World (J.M. Roberts), The Road to Serfdom (F.A. Hayek), and On Being a Christian (Hans Kung). I can recommend all of these, and I'll do full reviews in the future. I will admit up front I'm not terribly athletic, though my wife is - did I mention I was married? :) To correct this, we recently started a membership at a health club where we plan to play tennis, swim, etc. Let's hope it works. Beliefs: Everyone believes in something. I am a member of the Kingdom of God, phylum Christian, species evangelical. I Am Not A Fundamentalist. Please also don't confuse evangelicalism with Americanism, Republicanism, monetarism, or other things it is not. It's not bound to any denomination, or any particular theology, saving the core beliefs. Though you may have had it mindlessly drummed into your head as a child, the Apostle's Creed is a good summary of Christian beliefs. It's also well expressed by C.S. Lewis in his expression "Mere Christianity." Historically, evangelicalism derives from the 16th century Protestant Reformation. Politics: Politically, I tend towards libertarianism. Luther is right when he says that there are two kingdoms, one of grace, one of law. The state is not touched by grace, it is created by and wields the law. I also think religious liberty should be the passion of all religious people everywhere and is one of America's greatest contributions to the world. I am voting for John Kerry, but not because I agree with him all the time. I can unequivocally say that I agree with him 53% of the time. (In comparison to Bush, with whom I agree 46% of the time). Probably the most important issue this election is the war in Iraq, which was unnecessary and has been terribly destructive. I'm not naive, I know Hussein was a threat, but the existence of WMD does not mean we can rewrite the rules of war. Pre-emptive war is not an acceptable option except in the most dire of circumstances. I know Bush would say this is it, but even with WMD in the equation I say we cannot attack before we are attacked. If we do, we give permission to all other states to do the same, and mirror the strategies of Hitler and Stalin. OK, I've put this off for a while and I want to get it out there. More bio as we go. Hello Blogosphere!


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