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Showing posts from August, 2004

more of that rb interview

Q : So what do you think is a killer app right now? A : Probably Picasa . It's the best photo viewer/organizer I've ever seen. More than that, the interface for it is as good as anything I've ever seen for the PC. As good as Mac. I hope this is the future of PC software. Q : You say you're voting for John Kerry. Doesn't that make you a liberal? You say you're a libertarian. Why aren't you voting for Michael Badnarik ? A : That's a good question. I'm not a liberal because I'm an economic conservative. I think markets, not governments, are the source of our prosperity and happiness, to a very large extent. They're also one of the keys to world peace. When nations trade with each other they fight less. Imagine for a moment - a truly global trading bloc, without tariffs or duties. No one wants to fight because everyone is interdependent. Would this not be as close to a utopia as we will ever come (short of the second coming)? World trade...

Anonymous comments

It looks like if you don't have a Blogger account you can only publish anonymously. Maybe just put your first name in the comment area to claim credit (or blame). Or sign up for a Blogger account - it's free, and gives you a place to stick your photos online, if nothing less (using Hello ).
This is me 

Interview with the Vampire

This is from an interview with me, done recently by rare bird magazine. Q : So, what's up with this blogging thing? A : Well, you know, I like to write, and - I've never been published before, so this seemed like a good way to get published without having to deal with rejection letters. I mean, who wants to deal with that, right? Some friends of mine, and my wife, also helped by egging me on to do it. And, I am an English major, and that's got to be good for something, and besides, it's just a lot of fun. You should try it sometime. I also have a firm conviction that my ideas and opinions are crucially important to the survival of civilization, and I want to give civilization a chance, so I'd better get those ideas out there. I'm not going to run for president, so I figure this is the next best thing. Q : Ah. You're not an egotist, are you? A : Well - no, of course not. Q : All right, fine. You say you're into technology. Prove it - what are the tools y...