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Interview with the Vampire

This is from an interview with me, done recently by rare bird magazine.
Q: So, what's up with this blogging thing?
A: Well, you know, I like to write, and - I've never been published before, so this seemed like a good way to get published without having to deal with rejection letters. I mean, who wants to deal with that, right? Some friends of mine, and my wife, also helped by egging me on to do it. And, I am an English major, and that's got to be good for something, and besides, it's just a lot of fun. You should try it sometime.
I also have a firm conviction that my ideas and opinions are crucially important to the survival of civilization, and I want to give civilization a chance, so I'd better get those ideas out there. I'm not going to run for president, so I figure this is the next best thing.
Q: Ah. You're not an egotist, are you?
A: Well - no, of course not.
Q: All right, fine. You say you're into technology. Prove it - what are the tools you use at work?
A: Microsoft (of course): we run SQLServer because our customers do, and code our GUI's in VB. Most of our programming is done in C++. We also run Oracle because some of our customers run that as well. We use Seapine's Test Track Pro to manage programming workflow. I used to maintain our user manual as a 475-page PDF, but now I'm using Help & Manual to create and maintain Help files, which our users might actually read. UltraEdit is our programmers' editor of choice.
Q: All right, fine.
To be continued...


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