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Ukraine Vote Presents Crucial Test

December 17, 2004 -- The repeat runoff election to be held december 26 in Ukraine presents a crucial opportunity for Ukrainian authorities to respect the will of voters and ensure harmony and stability in the country, Freedom House said today. Ukraine's new Central Election Commission (CEC) faces an extremely important and challenging task. It must organize and run the next round of voting in a transparent and open manner, offering solid and extensive explanations to voters on every step of the process. Every year, Freedom House surveys the world and ranks countries according to their liberty. They are watching Ukraine closely to see if democracy will prevail in the current crisis.


Anonymous said…
Been watching this with much anticipation, especially given the direction their former mother country is currently headed. The big concern is, given the condensed time frame, can they get organized enough by the 26th (not that they have much choice) and can it be open in its process so that the international community will accept it. I find myself wondering how "valid" it will seem if the process is open and fair but the prime minister wins.

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