Scobleizer is reporting that Apple has released the Mac Mini, an honest-to-God PC with no peripherals. He says "looks like a great place to run Windows" and laments that the price of Wintel machines at Wal-Mart is still lower. While I would argue that's completely missing the point, if he buys a Mac Mini I won't complain.
What is more important is that Apple is finally willing to release themselves from their insistence on PC-peripheral linkage-bondage and is acknowledging the reality of the market. This means they've got a fighting chance against the other PC makers to win over consumers who are not going to stop using Windows and can't ditch their Wintel PC, not to mention their monitor and keyboard (like my family). Using a KVM switch, my wife and I could use the same monitor and keyboard but different PC's. I could have a Mac without finding a new room to use it in.
It also shows Apple is a serious technology company, not just a fashion company who happens to make computers. By doing this Apple may demonstrate that they don't need to be bought by Sony or IBM to keep OS X competitive. Bravo!
I’m a writer. I can do no other. God help me. Amen. B.A. English lit, M.A. Church History. (CC) Some rights reserved.