He's been attending the demonstrations, and today saw Yuschenko give the oath of office, with his own eyes. I've asked him to send me any digital pics he has. He's going back to the crowds tomorrow.
The tent city you may have heard about in Independence Square has a heater for every tent. This way the students and demonstration organizers can stay all night in the central square. The organizers have also arranged for hot breakfast (oatmeal) and soup to be served. Most people go home at night but then come back to the square in the morning and continue the demonstration. They won't stop until ... until justice is done. "Today or Never" is one of their slogans. The police generally support Yuschenko so they are not going to break up the demonstrators. Eat your heart out, MoveOn.org!
I’m a writer. I can do no other. God help me. Amen. B.A. English lit, M.A. Church History. (CC) Some rights reserved.