I’m a writer. I can do no other. God help me. Amen.
B.A. English lit, M.A. Church History.
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Life at a software company...
Originally I made my comment verbally, but Greg thought it was funny - so I'll share it with you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg
Sent: November 12, 2004 12:05 PM
Subject: Ver_380\QA
Is there a reason we have a Ver_380\QA folder already? I am making modifications to the v370 test data and test scripts still. I would think this should not be created until we have created a v380 branch and are ready to build and populate a v380 database.
----I Said----
It's a "running start" - kind of like going towards Baghdad as fast as we can before we have the rest of the country under control.
This is a map of Yushchenko vs. Yanukovych, round 2.0. In the popular style of coloring candidates, it shows where each candidate's respective strengths are: generally, Yush in the west and Yanu in the east. (It's too small to see percentages; go to the above link for that.)
The airline announcement then goes on to tout the portable video player they have for rent. It plays TV shows and movies. Hmm? Why not a little book collection for borrowing? Could even be a special “airplane” size for portability. Also known as a paperback.