"The world of the Bible comes to life in this campaign setting for the d20 System. Play a wandering Babylonian magus, a sorcerer in the service of Pharaoh, a Canaanite maker of idols, or a prophet of the God of Israel. Walk the streets of ancient Jerusalem, stand beside King David as one of his Mighty Men, smite Philistines, ponder the mysteries of gargantuan tombs, look upon the dwellings of the gods, and battle demons, dragons, plagues, and the legendary beasts of Babylon."
There is also a decent review at this blog
Is it a sin to play as Jesus Christ? What do you think his stats would be?
I’m a writer. I can do no other. God help me. Amen. B.A. English lit, M.A. Church History. (CC) Some rights reserved.