Late March 2018, anticipating Bolton.
Those killed in a nuclear war would haunt the survivors forever, much as Holocaust victims still haunt us. The world would be filled with ghosts and memoirs of suffering and death, /danse macabre/, not seen since the middle ages. There would be mourning, sackcloth and ashes; weeping and gnashing of teeth, as the prophets foretold. It would feel like the end of the world, even if it was not. It would have a devastating effect on culture as well as our physical lives, and pessimist and existentialist critiques would return. It would shatter our notions of progress for a generation.
Actually, even a world war, fought only conventionally, is capable of doing this. It’s happened already. We would face another lost generation.
Those killed in a nuclear war would haunt the survivors forever, much as Holocaust victims still haunt us. The world would be filled with ghosts and memoirs of suffering and death, /danse macabre/, not seen since the middle ages. There would be mourning, sackcloth and ashes; weeping and gnashing of teeth, as the prophets foretold. It would feel like the end of the world, even if it was not. It would have a devastating effect on culture as well as our physical lives, and pessimist and existentialist critiques would return. It would shatter our notions of progress for a generation.
Actually, even a world war, fought only conventionally, is capable of doing this. It’s happened already. We would face another lost generation.